Monday, May 31, 2010


Nick and his daddy worked hard today building a bridge for the creek on the land.

Because of all the rain the past few days, it is VERY VERY muddy at the land. I drove up, and was told that I couldn't go see the new bridge until I put coveralls on so I didn't get muddy. Good thing I did, because mud splashed everywhere!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Decisions, decisions, decisions..

"I don't care","I don't know", and "It's up to you", are probably my favorite phrases when someone asks me to make any decision. I'm just not the best at making decisions and neither is Nick. Well, with planning our house, I have learned that there are 6323487788 decisions to be made. My favorite phrases do not work when making decisions about our house. So slowly but surely I am getting better at making decisions.

All of the decisions are overwhelming but yet exciting. To know that Nick and I get to choose what is in our house and where everything will be is very exciting. As of right now, the big decision in the basment plans. Door on the side of the house, or back of the house, where to put windows, where to put rooms, how big the rooms, ect.

Here is option number 10934987298 for the basement

On another exiting note, I PASSED MY EXIT EXAM!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Nick hard at work.

Bauer is so tired after a long day of supervising to make sure the job got done.

It is amazing to see this picture comparse to the first day we walked on the land. We had to walk through woods just to get an idea of where to decide to put a house. Now, it actually is looking like a place where our house can be built!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stop Stop!!

Nick has a fourwheeler that gets the job done and will take you wherever you'd like to go, just like all other fourwheelers. But, this fourwheeler is unique. So unique that, I have yet to figure it out. It takes a special person to drive the fourwheeler. See, this fourwheeler has no brakes and takes a genius to figure out how to put it in reverse. Oh yea, it will not stay idel and cuts off if it stays in one place too long. Which I guess is good since it doesn't have any brakes.

The other night, Nick and I were on our way up to the land. He was riding on the back and I was driving. I was doing great! I got turned around and out of the driveway, then I tried to go up a hill... Well, I couln't make it up the hill. So Nick said for me to shift it down a gear, not knowing that I was already in first gear. When a fourwheeler doesn't have breaks and I'm not an expert fourwheeler driver I did not know what to do, so I began yelling NICK STOP IT, NICK STOP IT!!! Well, of course Nick couldn't do much of anything and I had to figure out things on my on before I hit a tree. Finally, I did what any expert fourwheel driver would do and shifted it into a higher gear, and well, we made it up the hill and to the land.

I still haven't mastered driving this fourwheeler. I am able to crank it up and go forward and even stop it without the missing breaks, but I cannot put the fourwheeler in reverse. So if I ever have to drive it somewhere and am stuck with backing up, I end up leaving the fourwheeler in its place and walking back towards the land.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


One big step of the clearing out process has been completed...or well.. halfway completed I should say. A DRIVEWAY!! Now we have a driveway that is wide enough for a car or truck to drive down and no trees are in the way.

I believe that the driving down the driveway will be very pretty during the spring and and fall seasons. I will be able to see all the changes in leaves in the fall and everything blooming in the spring time while driving down the driveway!

The thing that Nick and I love the most about the land and the driveway is that no one will be able to see the house from the road and when I walk out of our, soon to come, house, I will not be able to see anyone else's house or the road!

Like I said, halfway done.. certainly not "honda car" ready, but Nick's truck has no problem driving down the driveway.

Time Not Wasted

If you know the Englishs, they don't waste their time if they want something. If anyone has an idea of getting a new boat and says,"lets go look at a boat", they will return with a boat by the end of the day.

By learning this throughout the years, I wasn't surprised that the same day that Nick closed on the land, trees were being knocked down. Every day until dark until everything is done, he will be there working hard along Mr. Chuck.

It was no shocker that when a family friend called Mr. Chuck to say that there was a tractor for sale, there would soon to be a "new" tractor in the yard. Why wouldn't they get a tractor, right?!

Notice that when I said new, I meant new to Nick and Mr. Chuck. But Hey! It gets the job done.. There have only been a few hours spent working on the tractor.

"Nick Get That"

Well this is all new to me. So here it goes!

Less than a year ago, Nick and I were driving down the road and there was a for sale sign for a few acres of land. Of course, my response was "Nick get that!". Well to my surprise, Nick looks into the land for all the information and everything. But.... the land wasnt in the best shape. So after that, I didnt think much of anything about land. After all, I still had almost a year of school left and Nick wasn't finsihed at time either.

On the other hand, Nick must have put some thought into it because he found out that there was more land for sale beside his parent's house but it just wasn't listed. In total, there was about 14 acres for sale. We contacted the owner of the land and got all the information. At first, Nick thought that the owner would break up the land and we would only get a few acres. Well, the owner wanted to sale all the land together. Sooo.. long story short, as of March we have 14 acres of land!!

The plans are to clear out the land, build a log cabin, and live happliy ever after!! Sounds pretty easy right?