Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cedar Table

Nick is in the process of building a table out of the wood from a cedar tree that was cut down during the clearing of the land. I love the smell of cedar and I am always eager to see how the wood will look once the bark is cut off.

Here is a picture of the table.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

First Purchase for the House

Okay, so we don't even have foundation poured but Friday we bought the first item for our house. A DOOR!!

Nick told me Saturday morning that Home Depot had a amazingly good price on a french door. $250 and the original price was $750! When he told me this I quickly got ready and met him at Home Depot. The door had nothing wrong with it, so shortly after entering Home Depot, we had our first door for the house. We got lucky because many others were there looking at the door also.

The door will have to be in storage for a while. I just hope nothing happens to it by the time we can actually put it in the house!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Temporary Pole and Critters

The land now has a temporary pole and it has passed inspection. Wohoo! We are still waiting for the city to come hook up electricity.

Nick has also cleared out an area on the other side of the creek. While he and Mr. Chuck were over where he had cleared they saw some very annoying critters...armadillos. They sat there and watched 5 armadillos go into one hole in the ground. Unfortunately, they failed to get a picture.

Mrs. Lynn really wants to put a firecracker into the hole and see what happens to the armadillos. This came out of her mouth right after she told us that she payed 2 extra dollars for eggs because they came from chickens that were not kept in cages, and she thought keeping chickens in cages was cruel..

A picture of the land by the creek since it has been cleared out.


I guess after complaining and and having many close encounters wrecking the fourweeler, it finally got brakes on my birthday. Just what a girl wants for her birthday right??

I thought that putting brakes on would be a 30 minute job. Boy, was I wrong. Anything and everything wouldn't work right for Nick when taking the parts off to get to the brakes. (I'm convinced that when he previously put new brakes on he rigged it a certain way and this time forgot what he did.) Needless to say, it took well over 30 minutes to get new brakes.

Kami finally gave up waiting and found her a soft place to sleep in the shop. I also gave up waiting. Finally, Nick did get the job done and now I can drive without possible wrecking!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Leyland Cypress

Today we went and got leyland cypress to plant on the land. About a month ago I thought we were going to north georgia to get the trees, but instead, I was surprised with an engagement ring!!!! So today, when Nick asked if I wanted to go pick up the trees with him I said yes. Thinking maybe this time I would get surprised again. I didn't get a surprise, but we did get the trees that we have been meaning to get for a while now.

Once we got the trees, we replanted them into bigger pots to let them grow some more before we actaully plant them in the ground. Talk about a messy, messy job!

Bauer could not figure out why he couldn't help plant, and why he always got in trouble when he plays in the dirt.

Nick measured the trees and they were 24 inches. We will keep measuring them to see how much they grow.