Friday, October 15, 2010

Walls Framed and Roof Trusses!!

I know it has been a while since I have added new pictures to the blog, but there is so much going on! Since back filling the basement, the decking for the main floor is done, the walls have been framed and now the roof trusses are in the process of going up! Today was the first day of the roof trusses going up. Thankfully we had much needed help! Unfortunately, I got to the house after all the help was gone. Well, other than the dogs! But I did take pictures of the last 2 trusses for the day being put up.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Slowly but Surely

One more thing that I have learned with the house building process is that there are many days that you (or I should say Nick and Mr. Chuck) work sun up till sun down and at the end of the day it still looks as if there are no changes made to the house. This weekend was an example of this. On Saturday, I was the "go-getter" all day. We did work and work, but it just kept looking as if nothing was getting done. Right before dark, they decided to board up the bottom of the basement windows. Even though the process probably took a whole 15 minutes, it finally looked as if we made progress!

On Sunday, they were able to finish up the small things that had to be done before putting the decking up, and also put plywood on the basement walls.

and Even More Dirt

After a total of 14 (I think) truck loads of dirt, we have finally back filled the basement!!

Thankfully, Mr. Mike Ellington came out to help move all of the dirt and backfill with his tractor which has a front end loader. Nick says that he wants a front end loader for "ole blue", but I am a little weary that if he did get one, we would have no trees or dirt left on our land!