Monday, January 31, 2011

Doors and More

On Saturday, Mama, Amanda, and I made a trip to Sasser to visit my aunt at her antique store Alice and Jay's. I could have taken the whole store and put it in the trunk the of car if money and Alice would have allowed me to. Alice had this wonderful little table that kept calling my name. This perfect round table has the perfect place to call home in my soon to be kitchen. All thanks to my amazing aunt and wonderful mama. (Thankfully, Alice is allowing the little table stay at the shop for a little while longer since I have no where to store it for now.) 

The men on the table will not be going with me to the new house. Now, I am thinking that I should bring them to the new house. They would be great for keeping an eye on Kami and Bauer! 

Also, I have not yet posted any pictures of our exterior doors. The doors have been up for a month, I just have not posted any pictures of them yet. 

 French door going onto deck
 A view of inside of French door (not yet finished)
 The side door
 Front Door Outside View-  does not have the finished stain on yet
Front Door from inside


  1. There more I look at the little men, the more I think they should go home with you!
    I love your solid doors!

  2. I definitely think these men should come home with you! They were supposed to have cute little women with them, instead, I got four funny men! They need a good job!
