Sunday, September 5, 2010

Basement Walls Day 1 and 2

On Thursday August 26th the Concrete Guys finally came to start pouring our walls. The company name is Caldwell Concrete Company from Newnan, but I prefer to call them the "Concrete Guys". Meme gave us a trail camera to capture shots of animals wondering on the land, but we like to use it to keep track of the progress of the house and the people who come to the land. That day we change the settings to video so we would be able to see what was all done for the basement since we were both working.

The Following are some of the videos taken while they were working. The camera just needs to have sound so we could listen in to the conversations!

Concrete finally being poured

Once the footings were poured the concrete guys left to allow time to dry and then they would return the next morning to begin preparing everything for the walls to be poured.

On Friday morning the concrete guys were back at work!

The concrete had to dry over the weekend and on Monday the forms were taken off and we had our concrete walls!!

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing the house this weekend. Glad the camera is only capturing what the workers are doing close to the house and not in the woods after the evidence we saw this weekend!!! Love yall
