Monday, September 27, 2010

Dirt, Dirt, and more Dirt

On Friday, we had 7 truck loads of dirt dumped at the house. As you can see from the previous pictures, we need a lot of dirt to back fill the basement and to level out the ground with the main level of the house. Hopefully, we will not need more truck loads, but it is looking like we will be needing it!! I do not have any pictures of any of the dirt for two reasons. 1. I had to work this weekend so I didn't make it home in time before dark and 2. It rained yesterday. Yes, the rain was very much needed, but not when we just had 7 dump truck loads of dirt dumped! Now alllll that dirt is GEORGIA RED MUDDY CLAY.

In other updates. The floor trusses are complete and the basement cement walls are waterproofed! As the rain was needed yesterday, but it does put a hamper on house building when the weekends are when most of the work gets done and we need every spare minute possible so this process won't take even longer!

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