Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Burr, its cold outside! Luckily, we now have some windows in to block the cold wind from coming inside. After debating on what color to choose from for our windows we finally made the decision, and the right one too!

Being that we are building a log home, I really did not want to go with white windows. So a while back, Nick brought home a sample window that was almond color, but I just wasn't sold on the almond. I really really wanted brown windows. Unfortunately, the brown vinyl windows were way over budget. So after many debates, I told Nick to order white windows. Well, that decision didn't last long. A few days after he had ordered the windows, I asked him if we could get them changed to almond. Thankfully, they were able to make the order change! (I guess I have to admit that Nick wanted to almond color windows all along) So now I get to here "I told you so!"

This past week front windows, basement back windows, and 2 of the small windows were installed. The double windows for the bedrooms should be delivered and installed this week. (Hopefully).

Front windows in the Living Room

Basement windows

Another view of basement windows. There are going to be more windows in the back, they are just covered with house wrap in this picture.

Laundry room window being installed

Inside view of laundry room window. (my photography skills were a little sideways in this picture)


  1. Kristin,
    How fun it is to watch you and Nick build your house together! Thanks for sharing. :)
