Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Home Depot Trip Turned Bad

Since we started building the house, Home Depot is like our second home. Nick obviously makes numerous trips every day. Many times I will go with him or either he and Mr. Chuck will send me on quick trips to pick up something while they stay and work.

Well, last Monday was supposed to be one of those quick trips to Home Depot. Nick was working on the dormers, but had run out of OSB (kinda like thick plywood used for framing). He asked me to take the truck to Home Depot and ask someone to load up 10 pieces of OSB and bring it home. I was a bit skeptical, but then decided it shouldn't be too hard. Boy was I wrong. First, there was absolutely no men insight to help load the OSB up ( I am not saying that I am unable to load the wood, but it is pretty heavy). So, myself and 2 other women ended up loading the OSB onto the carrier. When it was time to load it on the truck, yet again no big strong men... But, I did know how Nick had loaded the OSB in the past, so I was okay with this part, until the workers decided they knew best..

From observing the OSB being loaded previously, the tailgate was always left up. So I told the workers to leave the tailgate up. Well, the 3 Home Depot workers insisted that it would not work and the tailgate must be let down and left down. So, I let them do what they thought best. After all, they do work at Home Depot, not me. But, when they told me it would be fine on the back of the truck without being tied down I became skeptical again. But I got in the truck and drove home.

This is when the trip turned really bad. I made a left turn onto Hwy 19 to head back to the house, but the OSB didn't quite make it! 4 pieces fell out onto the highway!! Luckily, they all landing perfectly in the turning lane.

I calmly called Nick and he came the rescue. Nick now jokes and says that it seems that when I don't want to do something, I manage to mess it up in the process of doing it!

The 10 pieces of OSB made it safely home


  1. Kristen mess something up that she doesn't want to do???!!! NEVER :)

  2. Just be glad it wasn't lattice or a Christmas tree, I know from experience that they tear up when they fall from the back of a truck.
